Tuesday, July 12, 2011

handmade birthday for the two year old

 Painted wooden lizard by Aud...

Painted ceramic bobble-head robot by Gage...

and a squeezable, wool felt and fleece monster friend by me.


  1. I'm super impressed by Audrey and Gage's careful paint jobs. You should see the figurines my kids paint. Very erm...freeform. Influenced heavily by the work of Jackson Pollack. Love that little monster softie! I can just see him dragging that around by one of its legs.

  2. Thanks, Larry, but I have to confess - I did sneak in and do a bit of touch up on the kids' paint jobs. Just enough to satisfy my control freakiness without raising any intrusion alarms. Ash loved the monster for about 3 weeks then decided that he's over monsters. Even his monster pillow and blanket that I made him had to go. Kids are so high maintenance.

  3. ...can I have his monster then? :-)

  4. Hi! i was wondering if you have the pattern to make the monster doll? Thanks

  5. Hi, Lule! No, I didn't use a pattern, just sketched him on paper and traced. You can do it, too! :) Good luck!


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